
Carl Hansen & Son celebrates Hans J. Wegner 110 years: Selected teak models


Until the end of this anniversary year, i.e. until December 31, Carl Hansen & Søn is offering up to 35% off selected teak products and combinations!
Now you can benefit from incredible prices on the iconic CH24 and the matching table that Wegner designed as his first chair for Carl Hansen & Søn – the CH327 table.

Wegner’s curiosity for materials and his deep-rooted understanding of the properties of wood led him to create an entirely new typology of furniture designs that later made his name synonymous with Danish modern design.
Historically, teak was often used by Wegner to make some of his mixed chairs in the 1950s and 1960s.


  • CH24 chair, oiled teak with seat made of natural-colored papercord weave, CHF 625 (original price CHF 964)
  • CH327 Table 190 x 95 cm, oiled teak top with oiled oak legs, CHF 3’589 (original price CHF 5’199)
  • CH327 Table 248 x 95 cm, oiled teak top with oiled oak legs, CHF 4’849 (original price CHF 6’568)
  • SET 1: 1x CH327 195 cm + 4 CH24, CHF 5’389 (original price CHF 9’055)
  • SET 2: 1x CH327 248 cm + 6 CH24, CHF 7’189 (original price CHF 12’352)

Further information on teak

Teak wood is characterized by its high strength, stability and its color, which has a vivid appearance with dark stripes that follow the annual rings.
As a highly resilient wood species with a close grain, teak has a high oil content that allows untreated wood to last for decades without damage.
When freshly cut, teak has a natural pink-green color.
After exposure to the sun, the wood absorbs the light and develops its appealing golden hue.
This vibrant wood complements Wegner’s iconic furniture pieces and is only sourced from responsible partners that carry FSCTM certification.

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