
Acacia, Clai and Ruby: 3 new colors from Montana Furniture


This year, Montana Furniture introduces three new poetic colors to the color palette, created in collaboration with color expert Margrethe Odgaard.
Please welcome Ruby, Acacia and Clay – three soft and inspiring new colors that can influence our mood, emotions and overall well-being.

“The new colors are three very poetic colors that each lend the room a gentle and encouraging warmth in their own unique way. At the same time, they are colors you want to spend time with; they are simply always tangible.” –
Margrethe Odgaard

Acacia – Velvet Smooth
Acacia is bright and vibrant, yet never overwhelming.
Like a small capsule full of pleasant scents and golden sunsets, Acacia is simply there, patiently waiting to surround you with its warm presence.

Ruby – Matt Micro Structure
Ruby is a wonderful splash of color.
With its balance between sweet and sour – like the perfect blend of fresh berries and sweet white chocolate – Ruby constantly creates a feeling of vibrancy.

Clay – Matt Micro Structure
Clay is cool, calm and confident.
A deep and clay-grey shade, as warm as the earth and as soft as the carpet of clouds in the firmament.

“Colors are inherently elusive and change depending on light and surface. There is something equally natural about a color palette that contains variability. That’s why, when developing the new color palette back in 2018, we decided to leave several gaps in the palette so that new colors could be added later.” – Margrethe Odgaard

You are cordially invited to visit us, ask us questions about your future Montana piece and select color samples that you can take home and try out there.

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Anna Berg

Interior Design Lead

Die Gründerin von holm, Anna Berg, ist gebürtige Schwedin und führt seit 20 Jahren holm. Als Interior Design Lead ist sie für alle unsere Einrichtungsprojekte verantwortlich.

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Marcel Szalata

Interior Designer

Marcel Szalata bringt seine fundierte Analyse und kreative Vision ein, um individuelle Wohnkonzepte zu entwickeln, die auf die Bedürfnisse unserer Kund:innen abgestimmt sind.

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